Sunday, July 15, 2007

Top Ten Reasons Not to Fly Standby

This past week I once again attempted to fly back to Atlanta. We have a friend that had blessed us with a Companion Ticket (thanks Sharon!), unfortunately it means you have to fly standby. While some may enjoy this kind of travel, my experience was not quite so fun. Here were some of my observations:

Top Ten Reasons Not to Fly Standby:
10. You spend all your time in the days leading up to the flight constantly checking flight loads
9. Finding someone to cover your day early morning job can be a challenge (I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 4 am start time)
8. By your second time through the security line, you finally figure out why you keep getting "randomly selected"; you also discover why they keep printing "SSSS" on your boarding pass (I'll let you figure out what that stands for)
7. Wireless access costs $10/day
6. CNN isn't quite so fresh the 4th time around
5. Airlines love to overbook
4. Canceled flights mean trouble's ahead
3. There's only so many times you can get rejected without taking it personally
2. The ride home from the airport is even longer after having spent the entire day in the airport
1. After you get home from your non-trip, you still have to unpack your bags

Oh, well. I guess there's always Christmas!