Remedy is Here (well, sorta...)
Remedy has arrived and I am loving it (one song at a time - no really, one song at a time). You see, I'm one of those crazy people who decided it was of utmost importance to acquire the CD as soon as possible - so I pre-ordered it (many, many weeks ago - so long ago I've lost count - plus we're supposed to get some sort of surprise or something fun along with the CD - it should be quite interesting...). The only problem is that it hasn't arrived yet. I mean it has, but it hasn't. Confused yet? Here, let me explain...
You see, while I do not technically have the CD in my possession (I'm sure USPS is exercising great caution to assure the safe arrival of my new-found-friend on its journey from Waco), I have mangaged to discover a work-around that, well, works at least. About six months ago, I discovered something amazing - Rhapsody - it's really quite wonderful! It costs me nothing, yet gives me 25 free plays per month (we're talking the whole song, yeah!) - did I mention its free?
Now in most cases this is more than enough play time to allow me to "try out" an album to see if it meets my sonic expectations. But unfortunately, this is not near enough plays to adequately make it through a David Crowder CD as playing a Crowder CD requires at least 3 plays (I said, at least 3 plays) per song.
In comes: The Rhapsody Work-Around. I'm not quite sure who tipped me off to this little feat of musically trickery, but I love it! (especially when it comes to the joy of listening to my new favorite CD - granted I'm only half-way through, but I'm pretty sure it will be right up at the top staring down at all my other lovely CDs (and a few not so lovely - but I'm not naming any names)). Here's how it works, it's really quite simple: When you get near the end of the song, you simply go back to the beginning.
Really, it's that simple. And so you can listen to the song over and over and over...and over again. And here's the really great part, Rhapsody only takes off one credit of my coveted 25 song count. It's quite beautiful (for my ears that is - otherwise I might be forced to listen to something quite non-pleasing - or at least not quite as pleasing...).
Thus explaining how I am only half-way through the newest Crowder Band collection. Two hours down and I'm officially halfway through the CD (with 11 plays to go). Man, I'm making great progress! Did I mention this stuff is good!
OK, enough talk. Now you. Yes you. Go buy this CD. It will make your ears smile! Trust me, you'll thank me later.
Happy Crowdering!