Thursday, September 28, 2006

Goofy girl!

Here's a funny Ellie story for you! A few nights ago I put Ellie to bed and she was all set in her warm footed pajamas. About 30 minutes later, I walked into her room and saw a shadow of something lying on the floor. So, I reach down to find her warm pajamas on the floor beside her crib and I see Ellie standing up in the bed--naked except for her diaper. Apparently, those weren't the pajamas she wanted to wear that night. So, I changed her clothes and we tried again! For a young girl of her age, she is quite opinionated about her clothes and shoes (even when sleeping). ha, ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did she take those PJs off, too? haha :-) How is the closing on the house going? Love you! Melanie