DCB did it again!!!
Those crazy guys at the David Crowder Band never cease to amaze me. Not only does their music rock but they have a great heart which comes through in so many of their songs. Recently I discovered something that had me confused for quite some time. (disclaimer: I'm not always the quickest of guys, so if you already had figured this out cut me some slack).
For those who are familiar with the CD "Can You Hear Us?" will know that the final track has almost 3 minutes of silence in the middle of it followed by a version of "You Alone" - only this version comes in over half-way through the song. Odd, isn't it? At least I've always thought so.
When their latest full-length CD ("A Collision or 3+4=7") was released, I discovered another peculiarity. In the CD liner was this note: "The wait has been long and the pace quite slow - part 1 is located at www.davidcrowderband.com/youalonenumberone." Really? What does that mean? So I headed over to my computer, entered the address and discovered a rather scaled back version of "You Alone". The interesting part is that the vocals end shortly into the song - as if something were missing. Missing? Indeed.
Now this is where I sat stumped for quite some time (a period of months I must confess). During this time I heard rumors of a new version of "You Alone" that was quite secret (I assumed it was the scaled back version I had found - interesting, but nothing to get terribly excited about).Then I got to thinking, and did a little experimenting and discovered something quite profound. If you go to www.davidcrowderband.com/youalone2, you get an interesting surprise. There for my enjoyment was another segment of the aforementioned song. Apparently, if you play this version of the song simultaneously with the one on the "Can You Hear Us?" CD, they form one piece (instructions are given but the timing is a bit challenging).
Now add in the third version of the song and (are you ready?!) you get an entirely new version of the song (I know, I know - I get excited about the simplest of things sometimes). Needless to say I was quite beside myself when I discovered this (this is, after all, one of my favorite songs). Go ahead, give it a shot at combining the different elements. Or, to save you the trouble, you can click here to listen to the full new version of the song.
1 comment:
I didn't realize it was a treasure hunt, I just thought it was one of DCB's weird quirks. Now it all makes sense... Thanks for deciphering!
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