Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

Spring is a time for rain in many places and Tacoma is no exception. I have to say that I'm thankful for the beautiful daffodils and tulips that are sprouting up in the yard. But, I am tired of rain! It just feels soggy around here! Maybe it's because "it rains 9 months out of the year in Seattle"--to quote a line from a famous movie (Sleepless in Seattle).
I suppose we have to have the rain in order to fully appreciate the beautiful, sunny days here (when Mt. Rainier is in full view). And I guess that applies to other parts of life too...we won't fully understand or appreciate all of our blessings until we struggle and are reminded! Thank you God for all of the seasons...even the challenging ones!


Unknown said...

Just remember, the rain is better than 80 degrees in March!!! Hope you guys are doing well.

Sara Sandefur said...

I'm having a hard time being thankful for the rain now. I've lived here most of my life that I can remember, but I don't remember ever having a fall/winter/spring as gray, wet, dark & nasty as this one. I'm thankful for the sunshine and hoping for drier days to come!