Tuesday, May 27, 2008

6th wedding anniversary

Well, it's hard to believe that Michael and I have just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. Thanks to a visit from my mom, Michael and I were able to get away for a day and visit Snoqualmie Falls. I'm including some pictures from our day together.

The years have really flown by! I can remember our days of dating in high school, which all began with a fellow band nerd asking me for my phone number so he could call me about some cliff notes that he had at home.

It's neat to think about how God had His hand in our lives, even back in our teenage years. God knew that I needed to really know and trust someone before I could give my love to him. And God also knew that I would need a sensitive and special guy to really understand me. I'm so thankful God placed Michael in my path and allowed us to be together.

I remember feeling so eager to get married when we were in college. Even after dating for several years and knowing we wanted to get married, Michael was so patient, knowing that we didn't need to jump ahead of the Lord's perfect time. But, when the time was just right, we had our wedding. And it was a perfect day! I remember feeling so at peace on our wedding day, really soaking it all in! I was so cool and collected until I was walking down the aisle toward Michael. It was the first time he'd seen me in my special gown and I saw him crying...I lost it and started crying too! It was a touching moment! Afterwards, as we drove away from the reception, headed north to our honeymoon, we both said, "This day was just what we wanted!"

Life has changed a lot for us in these 6 years. We've moved 3000 miles from anything we'd ever known before. We've had a child. We've had a lot of adventures and learned a lot about trusting in God and His faithfulness! It's been fun at times, hard at times, but worth it all of the time!! So, here's to many more years of marriage to my great husband!


Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Happy Anniversary, and may you have MANY MANY MORE!

-the brinkerhoffs

Sara Sandefur said...

Awwwww. (said in full girly sappiness). Congratulations on 6 great years!

michael said...
