Saturday, October 06, 2007

Did you feel that?

We were sitting in our house a little after 3 today when our whole house shook. Tina and I were both shocked, we thought maybe someone had crashed into our house. We looked around and saw that everything was fine, but when we looked outside we saw a huge plume of smoke.

Now we know why.

Check out this video of the explosion.

For an even bigger view, see this one (the big one happens at 4:15 on the video).

Unbelievable. It felt massive - and we live over a mile away!

1 comment:

Sara Sandefur said...

I was sitting in my bedroom window studying when I saw a flash and then a gigantic fireball straight ahead. Then the whole house shook. I thought it was the gas station a few blocks away and called 911, which was busy. I would have never dreamed that the fireball was over 30 blocks away in the Nalley Valley. Yikes.